The Evergreen Conservatory

Welcome to the Evergreen Conservatory. In this House, you will find sanctuary for wild things. In Native Hawaii the word used for a pet owner is Kahu, a word with a diverse meaning. It ultimately translates to the divine attendant, protector and guide for all things sacred and divine. We are ultimately interconnected with nature and therefore the Kahu of the entire collective. To connect to Earth in such a way brings us deep healing and restoration. We are co-creators with nature in itself, and we are not separate of this. The Evereen Conservatory provides a Sanctuary for us to remember what it feels like to run wild and free, uninhibited by our blocks and boxes we created. to remember life is not just survival but it is deep nourishment that we share with spectacular individuals so diffrent from us yet so connected. The natural world is filled with magic if only we stop to witness a flower opening or a spider tending to her web. The smallest guides hold the most profound wisdom. 

The Evergreen Conservatory encourages you to forage for those guides an learn their medicine. You are free and wild...

Its time to remember...